And milk I suppose. I was sent to the store by hubby to get coffee and milk. We were out of both. I had a coupon for a free gallon of milk from the last Albertsons trip, so I just needed to find a way to save on coffee. Our morning cup of joe is not something hubby and I are willing to compromise on. In most cases, we will try different brands of an item to save money, but not with coffee. We gotta have our Starbucks! I did have $1 off 1 coupons in mt binder, so I figured that is what I would use. However, when I got to the store I noticed $3 off 2 peelies on the packages! Score! Plus, Starbucks coffee was on sale for $8.49 (not the best price, but we needed ASAP, actually Target has a great deal right now, $7.99 each, buy 2 and get a $5 gift card). Anyways, I was a happy girl. I also noticed I was less than 500 points away from my $5 reward, and I had printed a coupon to get 500 points when you spend$10. So I went ahead and picked up a few other things and split my purchase into 2 transactions. First the milk (free with my coupon) and everything else in the pic, then the coffee. That way I was able to get the $5 reward to print on the 1st transaction and use it on the coffee. All told I spent $13 on the 1st transaction, and $9 on the 2nd.
Not too bad, and it felt good to put together my own deal on the fly (and not just rely on my trusty favorite coupon blogs).
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
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