Saturday, February 04, 2012

Spending freeze update- the first 4 days

The first two days we were off to a great start- we spent $10!!  Yeah us.  Then Friday came, and it was a spendy day. Yikes! 
I had a feeling it would be,we had to travel to the city for a doctor appointment at Children's Hospital.  It's a bit of a drive and we normally grab lunch on the way.  I tried to skip it, but not very hard, and we ended up all ordering a little less so we could enjoy but still be mindful of the budget.  The appointment was rough, I got stressed, traffic was bad on the way home..  blech.  Hubby to the rescue, offered Thai food to lift my spirits.  I just can't say no to Thai food!  Again, we ordered less,skipped the sodas and appetizers.  And in lieu of dessert  there we opted to get a little treat at Target.

We like to go to Target (it's near our favorite Thai place) to walk off dinner and browse.  Hubs had a gift card he has slowly been spending for months, so he got a video game.  I had $5 gift card from Shopkicks (I'll talk more about that in a different post) and I totally scored on the coffee.  It was on sale for $7.50 and had a coupon on it for $1.50 off as well. Oh and the cookie mix was on clearance for 98 cents.  All told, we spent $13 out of pocket there.

And we bought gas, both of our cars only had 1/4 of a tank at the beginning of the month, so both needed a fill up. 

So here is how the month has gone so far:

Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20   Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 -  $0

Um yikes! lets not have anymore days like day 3 shall we?  Not good.  I do solemnly swear to be Way better! 
How have you done on your 1st week of the freeze?


CAK said...

Better than normal (still beating my current limit):

Day 1: -$4.95 (refund from*
Day 2: $24.89 ($5.23 drinks with the girls, $19.66 meal to go for my mom/she reimbursed with check I need to take to bank)
Day 3: $3.98 (2 Android Toddler Apps)
Day 4: $12.00 (Starbucks)

*I had a charge that normally posts on the 1st from that magically went through the night of the 31st. Therefore I'm not counting the $7.95 for February. I even went as far as to cancel that service, my Spotify, and get a refund from for last month!

CAK said...

Darn - totally forgot I made a $5.00 donation to the American Heart Association and a $5.00 donation to Planned Parenthood on the 1st.


Kimberly said...

Way to Go CAK- it's amazing how the simple act of tracking can make you more aware, esp when it comes to all those little automatic charges. Keep it up :)