All told, I spent $30 for everything pictured, and I did it in 4 transactions. My little bonus this week? When I went to the store to pick up more papers (I need to bite the bullet and order more copies delivered to my door) I stopped by the coffee shop and asked if I could have the coupons from the paper they had out for customers, and so I scored free set of doublers and 2 coupon inserts. Yeah!
Now hopefully we can not need to go to the store for the next 2 days.
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Day 21 - $0
Day 22 - $0
Day 23 - $7 (milk and toilet paper, we needed more, but Logan bet me I couldn't go to the store for just 2 things)
Day 24 - $41 ($6 trash bags and tortilla chips, $35 gas in my van)
Day 25 - $0
Day 26 - $30 in groceries
Day 27 - $8 gas in hubby's car
just 2 more days to go!
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