Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Lent aka give it up baby!

Social media sites are all buzzing with talk of Lent.  It started today by the way.  What is lent?  I will like good old Wikipedia answer that one.  Everyone is asking, "what are you giving up?"  in the past I have given up the usual, coffee, soda, sugar...  but this year I am going to do something more in line with my current goal of living a more intentional life. So I will be following Clover Lane's lead, and purging my house of 40 bags in 40 days.  Go read her post about it, I like what she says. 

For me, I want my home to be more 'company ready' at any given moment.  I want my kids to enjoy their toys, not get lost in them.  I want everything to have a place.  in studying my home, and really looking at why things get cluttered, I realized it is because often times items don't have a home.  Stuff gets just set somewhere because no one knows where it goes, or where it is supposed to go is cluttered with other stuff.....  have I lost you yet?  Just talking about it makes my head cluttered.  So, I am excited!  Join me?  You know you want to.


CAK said...

I'm giving up my single biggest waste of money...Starbucks!!! But I love what you're doing (and the other blog) as well. What a great thing to take to heart by cleaning not only our souls and what's bad for us but also to clean the physical environments around us!

Kimberly said...

WTG! I know how big that is for you, and B! I bet you will notice it in the wallet too.