Seeing as it is the1st of March, it is time to wrap up February's spending freeze and see how we did.
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Day 21 - $0
Day 22 - $0
Day 23 - $7 (milk and toilet paper, we needed more, but Logan bet me I couldn't go to the store for just 2 things)
Day 24 - $41 ($6 trash bags and tortilla chips, $35 gas in my van)
Day 25 - $0
Day 26 - $30 in groceries
Day 27 - $8 gas in hubby's car
Day 28 - $20 gas in hubby's car
Day 29 - $0
The goals I set were :
Gas $115
Groceries $120
Gifts or eating out $50
for a total of $285
Actual spending-
Gas - $153 ($38 over budget)
Groceries - $153 ($35 over, not too bad)
Gifts or eating out - $106.25 ($56.25 ouch!)
Total - $412.25 ($127.25 over budget)
I knew we were over budget.. and I am not too happy about those numbers, especially the eating out category, because that is the one we have the most control over. It really is a temptation for the whole family, we like eating out. I suppose one could argue we don't do much else in the way of entertainment we have to pay for (we don't go out to the movies or theme parks whatnot) But we really do need to be better about this. In this season in our lives we simply cannot afford to eat out as much (and this was a 'good month'). I think that is the biggest lesson I learned from this year's spending freeze.
Going forward I am going to try and plan our eating out nights, so when we get the urge we can look forward to a special night out rather than going on a whim.
One area we did really well in, was impluse buys. You know what I mean, you go to Target to pick up a prescription and come out with $50 in random purchases. In fact, saying no has become more of a habit. We aren't big spenders normally, but I can get pulled in by clearance racks and such. Not today, I went to Target, to pick up a few things, and left with what was on my list. Sure, I browsed the clearance racks, even put stuff in my cart... and 2 aisles later, put it back. Yeah me!
How did you do? Did you learn anything? Change any habits? I would love to know.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
One last trip to the store, I hope

All told, I spent $30 for everything pictured, and I did it in 4 transactions. My little bonus this week? When I went to the store to pick up more papers (I need to bite the bullet and order more copies delivered to my door) I stopped by the coffee shop and asked if I could have the coupons from the paper they had out for customers, and so I scored free set of doublers and 2 coupon inserts. Yeah!
Now hopefully we can not need to go to the store for the next 2 days.
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Day 21 - $0
Day 22 - $0
Day 23 - $7 (milk and toilet paper, we needed more, but Logan bet me I couldn't go to the store for just 2 things)
Day 24 - $41 ($6 trash bags and tortilla chips, $35 gas in my van)
Day 25 - $0
Day 26 - $30 in groceries
Day 27 - $8 gas in hubby's car
just 2 more days to go!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Lent Update, and 1 clean room.
I got off to a slow start with my 40 bags project. One sick kid and a tired mama, ya know, life. But I got caught up today and Logan has a clean room to prove it.
I picked his room to dive into today because for the last week or so we have been jokingly referring to his room as an episode of 'Hoarders'. It wasn't that bad, but all of the flat surfaces in his room were piled high. Not to mention the Lego land mines on the floor. Ouch!
So armed with trash bags, Logan and I headed in. We ended up removing 2 bags of toys and stuff, and 1 bag of trash. Oh, and a coat rack. While we went through each item, we talked about blessing other children with our surplus of toys as well as the importance of keeping our rooms clean so we can welcome friends over to play. I still need to go through his clothes, and bring out some larger sizes from the bins, but that will be another day.
Hubby went through the kids books on Thursday and purged a bag full. If anyone knows of a great place to donate kids books, other than the Goodwill, I would love some recommendations.
So for now we are caught up, 4 bags down, 36 to go.
How are doing on your goals? Have you been following through on what you chose to give up?
I picked his room to dive into today because for the last week or so we have been jokingly referring to his room as an episode of 'Hoarders'. It wasn't that bad, but all of the flat surfaces in his room were piled high. Not to mention the Lego land mines on the floor. Ouch!

Hubby went through the kids books on Thursday and purged a bag full. If anyone knows of a great place to donate kids books, other than the Goodwill, I would love some recommendations.
So for now we are caught up, 4 bags down, 36 to go.
How are doing on your goals? Have you been following through on what you chose to give up?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Spending Freeze Update- Almost there
Just a quick post to update how our spending freeze is going. I will admit, this year seems harder than last... Not sure why, but I struggle. The hardest parts being going out to eat, and the rate at which food is consumed in my house. Four guys, regardless of age, eat a lot!
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Day 21 - $0
Day 22 - $0
Day 23 - $7 (milk and toilet paper, we needed more, but Logan bet me I couldn't go to the store for just 2 things)
Day 24 - $41 ($6 trash bags and tortilla chips, $35 gas in my van)
Day 25 - $0
how are you doing? I have tallied anything up yet, I think I am afraid to see how much I am over.....
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Day 21 - $0
Day 22 - $0
Day 23 - $7 (milk and toilet paper, we needed more, but Logan bet me I couldn't go to the store for just 2 things)
Day 24 - $41 ($6 trash bags and tortilla chips, $35 gas in my van)
Day 25 - $0
how are you doing? I have tallied anything up yet, I think I am afraid to see how much I am over.....
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Happy Lent aka give it up baby!
Social media sites are all buzzing with talk of Lent. It started today by the way. What is lent? I will like good old Wikipedia answer that one. Everyone is asking, "what are you giving up?" in the past I have given up the usual, coffee, soda, sugar... but this year I am going to do something more in line with my current goal of living a more intentional life. So I will be following Clover Lane's lead, and purging my house of 40 bags in 40 days. Go read her post about it, I like what she says.
For me, I want my home to be more 'company ready' at any given moment. I want my kids to enjoy their toys, not get lost in them. I want everything to have a place. in studying my home, and really looking at why things get cluttered, I realized it is because often times items don't have a home. Stuff gets just set somewhere because no one knows where it goes, or where it is supposed to go is cluttered with other stuff..... have I lost you yet? Just talking about it makes my head cluttered. So, I am excited! Join me? You know you want to.
For me, I want my home to be more 'company ready' at any given moment. I want my kids to enjoy their toys, not get lost in them. I want everything to have a place. in studying my home, and really looking at why things get cluttered, I realized it is because often times items don't have a home. Stuff gets just set somewhere because no one knows where it goes, or where it is supposed to go is cluttered with other stuff..... have I lost you yet? Just talking about it makes my head cluttered. So, I am excited! Join me? You know you want to.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
This girl needs her coffee

Not too bad, and it felt good to put together my own deal on the fly (and not just rely on my trusty favorite coupon blogs).
Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
Day 18 - $22 in groceries
Day 19 -$0
Day 20 - $0
Friday, February 17, 2012
You gotta Spend money to Save money

Spending Freeze recap
Day 1 - $0
Day 2 - $10 (drinks with the girls)
Day 3 - $133 ($12 McDonalds, $38 Thai food, $13 Target, $20 Hubs gas, $50 my gas)
Day 4 - $0
Day 5 -$0
Day 6 - $0
Day 7 - $1.75 (hubby got a snack a work)
Day 8 - $17.20 ($3.20 for meds, $14 for lunch for the boys and I)
Day 9 - $0
Day 10 - $29 ($20gas for hubby's car, $9 pizza after rough hospital visit)
Day 11 - $0
Day 12 - $19 (groceries)
Day 13 - $0
Day 14 - $20.00 (hubby bought my roses for the 1st time in 8 years, so we will let this break in the spending freeze slide :) )
Day 15 - $20.00 (gas for Hubby's car)
Day 16 - $0
Day 17 - $57.50 ($56 in groceries, $1.50 for Hubby's snack)
a little over half the month, and we have gone over budget in the going out to eat area, and I have spent more in groceries than I would like, but I am trying to stay positive. I will admit, there have been days where I feel like I am failing and should just throw in the towel. But then I remember, each day is a new day, a every little bit helps.
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