Why is it so hard to do? For me it seems I am always attempting a balancing act. Whether it be between the kids and hubby, dishes or down time, work and play... and as a business owner who works at home there really seems to be endless juggling around my house. Always feeling torn between work and family, marketing or making meals, promoting or play time, dishes or data entry, laundry or labor, cuddling or computing. Add to that being an artist and your really torn, because not only am I juggling work and family- I have to juggle work and creativity too- and when there are bills that need paying- creative time can get pushed to the back burner (you know the one, something boiled over a few weeks ago and instead of cleaning it you just avoid using it). That is where I find my self lately. I started this little business to satisfy my need to be creative (and make the occasional dress since I have 3 boys)- I have been fortunate enough to to well enough that hubby stopped calling it just a hobby and we now have come depend on my income as well. But lost in that is the creative outlet I started it for. I NEED to have creative time, about as much as I need the money- I can't explain it, but other artists will understand- life can have a way of getting blah without it. I am bored with myself and my shop. So I find myself needing to carve out that time, and get back to why I started this little company. I am not sure what I will be making- but be sure I have TONS of ideas- hopefully I will be posting them soon- if not, someone please scold me and push me toward the sewing machine.
Now off now to rinse the bleach out of my hair - just step one in getting creative again....